Orbs are obtained through special conditions instead of randomly receiving them.Bodyguards are classified into grades that affect their stats, and can also have elements and abilities added to them. Instead of the original multiple bodyguards that would accompany the player during a battle, only one bodyguard is available to have.Bonus stats on weapons barring primary weapon power have also been re-added. New to this game and carried over from Samurai Warriors however, is the ability to discard and replace any weapon in the inventory which allows multiple copies of one weapon to be kept. By proxy, the Weapon Level system has been removed, and weapons can be acquired in this game independently while being able to hold up to four.Lastly, Heavy weapons make the character attack slower, but with a 125% damage percentage. Medium-weighted weapons have average speed and power, with 100% attack power. Light weapons are faster compared to the other types, but have weak damage - only at 75% capacity. Weapons' weights are classified as being Light, Medium, and Heavy. Dynasty Warriors 5 adds a Weight system to weapons.The first two additional attacks are regular with the third attack being a launch, and the last attack's purpose is to clear crowds, but will not activate elements despite some having charge attack animations this is a nod to Samurai Warriors' normal attack string finisher inputs via using the same non-charge attack effect for the string starter.
#Dynasty warriors 5 special pc english full
When using a weapon who's informational screen has a blue, swirling dot on it and also having a full Musou bar, players can press an additional 4 times after, ,,. Evolutionary attacks add an additional 4 attacks to a moveset.Enemy generals can also activate Musou Rage as well. To activate it, press R3 (right analog stick).

The player can pick it up on the ground by killing certain soldiers, breaking certain boxes, or by getting 100 KO's when wielding a fourth weapon.